ブランド名『calede checli』(カレド シェクリ)とは、ひねりを加えたズレ、枠に収まらないという意味の”décalé” (デカレ)と 、乱用され本来の本質や目新しさが失われたものと言う意味での”cliché” (クリーシェ)を組み合わせた造語。
ブランド名にも組み込んだ新しい創造性と儚い伝統 =「Creative & Nostalgic」をコンセプトに、斬新さ、そして懐かしさを感じさせるニュースタンダードをかたちにします。
Brand name “calede checli” is made as anagram from “décalé” & “cliché”.
『Creativity that is expressed in its own sensibility and respecting to traditional things from the past.』
As our brand name, the concept is ” Creative & Nostalgic “, not only nostalgic but new creation, to become a new standard.
Simple & high fashioned items are consisting of materials that incorporate a special process, own specific colors dye from scratch and the form that expresses the concept. Produced high quality to be generated by each one carefully to handmade, by taking advantage of the traditional technical capabilities of craftsman. We are creating from the design of sense to the certain items.